My mini farm
Elysium En Terra
Our farm name comes from our love of the author Rick Riordan. From the time my kids were in elementary school, we all got hooked on the Percy Jackson series and from there we got into many other sequels by this author. This also started a love of mythology. My oldest son came up with the farm name and many of our animals have mythology inspired names such as Adonis (the spotted sungau buck), Ares (our German Shephard) and many more.
Since I started this goat journey, I have learned to ask many questions and read everything I can about goats. If you are just getting started, I would encourage you to do the same. Goats don't actually eat everything, they are picky and need a healthy diet. They are fun to watch and very affectionate. I consider them (and the chickens) to be pets with benefits. They love time with people and will give wonderful milk to make lots of healthy foods. I am happy to help you pick out a goat or answer questions as you begin your journey.
General characteristics
Milk Production
A friend of mine once told me that mini goats should be thought of as a medium sized goat. They are a cross between the small Nigerian goat and the standard Lamancha goat which is quite tall. The mini mancha doe is usually around 70 to 100 pounds. My does range from 65 to 80 pounds.
They are one of the quieter breeds with affectionate, curious, playful personalities. They run up and climb in my lap and cuddle. They also jump in and out of the wheel barrow while I am doing chores and try to lip anything in my hand.
Mini Lamanchas are known for their tiny ears. Elf ears which are short but visible and gopher ears which are essentially nonexistant externally or nearly so. I have only gopher earred goats.
High butterfat content, a long level lactation and good volume are characteristics of the mini mancha. I am milking one of my mini mancha does and she is producing over a half gallon per day. At her peak it was a half gallon twice a day.
They can be milked for 2 years without needing to be rebred which is helpful if you don't wish to keep a smelly buck. They tend to be easy to train and have a calm demeanor on the milking stand.
Goat milk is easier to digest than cow milk. I am currently learning to make many wonderful types of cheese from goat milk.